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Background: MoeFPV has been flying for about two years. His interest in FPV took off after seeing a few popular FPV shorts in his YouTube feed. Intrigued by the freedom of flight and the unique perspectives FPV offers, he dove into the hobby. For MoeFPV, freestyle flying is a byproduct of his desire for limitless exploration and freedom. His goal is to control his quad fluidly and intuitively, enhancing his FPV experience.

Achievements: While MoeFPV doesn’t have notable accolades, he enjoys flying as a way to relax, explore, and travel. Attending events mainly to meet new pilots and connect with the FPV community, he even had his Tiny Whoop stolen by a falcon once!

Favorite Tricks: MoeFPV’s favorite move in FPV is the good ol’ Split-S. It’s a basic trick, usually one of the first pilots learn, but it is such an essential movement in FPV for navigation and is the backbone of many other much more complex tricks. But don’t be fooled! The Split-S is more than just a simple and boring FPV maneuver when combined with exciting objects or scenery. MoeFPV loves it because it captures the essence of FPV. It indulges those thrilling, intrusive thoughts of jumping off high places. One moment you’re flying high, and the next you’re in a complete freefall, feeling that pit in your stomach as you stare at the earth rushing towards you. At the very last moment, you pull up and fly away, unharmed and smiling ear to ear. The Split-S really encapsulates why MoeFPV loves FPV flying.

Training Regime: MoeFPV emphasizes the importance of stick time in learning new tricks. He starts in the simulator to get the basic stick movements down before transitioning to micro quads. He believes that mastering tricks on smaller quads translates well to larger ones. He focuses on learning what to look at before, during, and after a trick, as eye line makes a big difference. Practicing over carpet or grass minimizes breakage and maximizes stick time.

Overcoming Challenges: MoeFPV acknowledges the steep learning curve in the FPV hobby, which involves consuming a lot of information and troubleshooting. He advises beginners to stick with it, ask questions, and join online communities for support. The FPV community is very helpful and understanding, as everyone goes through the same growing pains. Beginners will face many challenges, such as breaking things, burning boards, and spending money on repairs. However, persistence and community support can help overcome these obstacles.

Equipment: MoeFPV primarily flies with HDZero Goggles and uses a Radiomaster Zorro radio. He enjoys flying various systems and goggles but has a particular preference for his 3″ Toothpick, which he considers the all-time best FPV quad.

Favorite Builds: He enjoys flying various systems and goggles but has a particular preference for his 3″ Toothpick, which he considers the all-time best FPV quad.

Camera Angles and Rates (Roll, Pitch, Yaw):

  • Camera Angle: 10-20 degrees
  • Center Sensitivity: 70
  • Max Rates: 800
  • Expo: 0.25

Tips for Beginners: MoeFPV advises spending a lot of time in the simulator to learn the basics of flying FPV, which can significantly reduce crashes. He also recommends experimenting with rates early on to find settings that feel natural, and once satisfied, to stick with them. His advice includes focusing on understanding the quad’s control through the simulator and adjusting rates to find a comfortable setting. Once satisfied with the rates, he suggests leaving them unchanged.

Watch Moe in action!

MoeFPV is excited to share his passion for FPV flying, helping new pilots overcome challenges and enjoy the freedom and thrill of the skies. He believes that with persistence and practice, anyone can master FPV and experience the same joy and satisfaction he finds in the hobby.

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