Hey everyone, let’s kick off the TPW live test run this week since we will have a week off to prepare for round 3 of IGOW finals. I’m thinking we can make the deadline/Livestream next weekend.
Deadline: Saturday October 21st at 10am PST

Live stream and Deadline:
Saturday October 21st at 10am PST

Tricks of the week:
Beginner – Flip
Intermediate – Half Matty
Advanced – Barani

Map of the Week: Front/Back Yard
K – Fly under a car
W – Perch on something at least 20ft high
A – Fly through a gap
D – Do a powerloop

And just to clarify, you do NOT need to do any of the tricks of the week, collect letters, or fly the map of the week. All of these items give bonuses to your overall score, but are not required to do.

Fly the way you want and where you want. The idea behind this competition is to make it very accessible to all players

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