Rules Overview

TPW will have an “Event” every two weeks, where you’ll have the opportunity to take part in a 90-second freestyle performance, aiming to achieve the highest possible score by executing tricks from a comprehensive Tricktionary that features more than 80 tricks. Upon completing your freestyle line, you’ll enter the performed tricks into a very intuitive and user-friendly calculator, which automatically calculates your score based on the point value of the trick and any multipliers or penalties that goes along with it. Rather than having requiring challenges, each event will introduce three optional “tricks of the week” that that are thoughtfully selected to inspire creativity and motivate pilots of all skill levels to explore beyond their comfort zones. Not only will you earn double the points for performing the tricks of the week, but you can further elevate your score and build up multipliers by executing trick combos, by collecting the letters K.W.A.D., from accomplishing various objectives like flying under a car or perching on a tall object, and by getting the biggest streak possible by doing as many tricks in a row as you can without crashing or bumping into anything. Maximizing your points through these multipliers also enhances your chances of securing one of the event prizes.

There’s a lot of different ways to play Tyrantt’s Pro Whooper, but the key take away is this; TPW is all about having fun. You don’t have to engage with the tricks of the week or any other multipliers. The idea behind TPW is for you to go out and just have fun and win some prizes along the way. You can choose to participate every challenge if you want or even skip a few if you need a break. TPW is all about having a good time and flying how you want, where you want, and when you want.

Enjoy the freedom to fly your freestyle line however you desire. You have the choice to participate in performing Tricks of the Week, collecting KWAD, and flying in the map of the week, but remember, these are all optional multipliers, and you won’t face penalties if you choose not to engage with them.

The quick reference guide below should help give you a basic understanding of how TPW works so that you can immediately jump into the game. For a more extensive breakdown of how everything works, click here to explore the complete rules overview.


Tricks of the Week: Participate in Tricks of the Week (TotW) to earn double points. TotW consists of various trick that are based on different skill levels and can be performed more frequently before point the repeat penalties come into play.

Streak Bonus: For every consecutive trick you successfully perform, you will earn a multiplier based on the base value of each trick. The multiplier increases with every successive trick, compounding as you go. For example, if you complete a trick with a base value of 850 points, you will earn a multiplier of 8.5%. If the next trick is worth 200 points, you will add a 2% multiplier, bringing your total to 10.5%. This multiplier will be applied to the score of the following trick. However, the streak bonus maxes out at 200%, and any crashes or bumps will reset the streak and the multiplier.

KWAD: Collect letters to spell KWAD by completing the various objectives for each letter. Every collected letter adds a bonus of +250 points to your score. Collecting all four letters earns a +2000 point bonus.

Map of the Week: (IGNORE THIS FOR NOW) Flying in the outdoor selected map of the week boosts your overall score by +10%. You can opt out of the bonus and fly wherever you choose.

Obstacle of the Week: Performing indoor tricks on the selected obstacle of the week boosts the score of that trick by +10%. You can opt out of the bonus and use any obstacle you choose.


The following penalties aim to encourage diverse freestyle lines and deter repeated tricks.

Repeat Point Reduction: For standard tricks, your initial execution grants you 100% of the trick’s point value. On the second attempt, you’ll receive 75% of the points, followed by 50%, and then 0% for all subsequent repeats. However, Tricks of the Week allow you to perform the same trick more frequently before point reductions begin, in addition to earning double points. The point reduction percentages are as follows:

  • Beginner TotW: 200%, 200%, 200%, 150%, 100%, 0%
  • Intermediate TotW: 200%, 200%, 150%, 100%, 0%
  • Advanced TotW: 200%, 150%, 100%, 0%

Back-to-Back Penalty: Performing tricks back to back results in compounding penalties. The first trick scores normally, but subsequent back-to-back tricks incur a -50% point reduction that compounds (-50%, -75%, -87.5%, and so on) after bonuses are applied.

Subpar Trick Execution: In cases where trick execution is sloppy, such as breaking constant loop motion (clm) with loop tricks, colliding with the ground or objects, or missing the intended target, you will receive a penalty of -35%.

Bumping and Ground Taps If you bump into an object or tap the ground when performing a trick, you will receive a 50% penalty and your combo and streak will terminate. If you bump or tap between tricks, you will not receive any trick penalties for the previous trick, but your streak will terminate.

Failing a Trick: In the event of failing to execute a trick, you will not receive any points for that particular trick. Additionally, failing a trick will cause your streak multipliers to break, although it won’t contribute to the point reduction for that specific trick.